
What is the meaning of "Daber Ko Ne'um Hashem"?


Radak: The Navi should say that this (the following) is what Hashem said.


Malbim: Do not lament as if death arose by itself. Hashem sent it!


What is "Domen"?


Refer to 8:2:3:1.


What is the comparison to a stack in back of the harvester?


Radak: He forgot to take it; no one gathers it. So your bodies will be on the ground as if they are forgotten, and no one buries them.


Malbim: Harvesters cause stacks to fall (they cut grain, which is made into stacks) and it is gathered into the house. Domen (fertilizer, i.e. animal excrement) falls by itself, and it is not gathered into the house. Your bodies will fall like Amir (the enemy makes it fall), but even so it will not be gathered; it will be like Domen on the ground.

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