
Why does it mention sending for men from afar?


Rashi: The most severe sin is sending to bring Nochri officers from their enemies, and they see the desecration in My Mikdash.


Radak: This is a bigger abomination. They requested men to conduct them in their ways and deeds. All the more so I should hand them over to their enemies!


Malbim: This wife is compared to a Zonah who openly sends messengers to men from afar


Who sent the Shali'ach to them?


Rashi: Ahalah and Ahalivah.


Radak: Ahalivah.


What is the meaning of "la'Asher Rachatzt Kachalt"?


Targum Yonasan: "La'Asher" is to the place. Rashi - you fixed a place, and said 'we will go to meet you in this place adorned, i.e. bathed and with painted eyes.


Radak: You prettied yourself, like a Zonah who bathes, paints her eyes and wears nice clothing to be beautiful in the eyes of those who see her, and they will desire her. The Mashal is, she sent to them honorable letters and gifts to bring their love upon her, and she will be pleasant to them and she will learn their conduct and deeds.

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