
Did she truly not know?


Rashi: She did not put it to her heart; she portrayed herself like one who does not know.


Radak: Correct. Her leaders and false Nevi'im deceived her.


Malbim: Correct. She did not know that also initially, when she served idolatry and she had all good, it was not via her lovers and the stars. Only I gave to her grain, wine and oil. This shows that also now, she believes in idolatry, and thinks that it brought her previous abundance. She does not realize that Yisrael are not under the Ma'arachah. All their abundance is via Hashgachah; Hashem gave to them, just they denied Hashem's good.


How did Hashem give to her all of these matters?


Radak: He blessed her crops and all work of her hands.


Was only the gold used for Ba'al, or also the silver?


Rashi: Also the silver was used for Ba'al. Radak ? this is like "va'Yishman Yeshurun va'Yiv'at" (Devarim 32:15), "b'Chesef v'Zahav Yeyafehu" (Yirmeyah 10:4).

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