
What is the meaning of "Hashem Zecharanu Yevarech"?


Radak #1: Hashem, who always remembers us amidst His compassion for us, He will bless His nation.


Radak #2: He will bless our males. Afterwards, He will bless Beis Yisrael - the females. I say that it mentions the males, for they ascend for the Regalim.


Malbim: Hashem remembers us via our trust in Him, and blesses us anew.


Above (verse 9), it says only Yisrael. Why does it say here "Beis Yisrael"?


Radak (13): "Beis" includes small and big. The small lack Da'as to trust in Hashem. They are included in the Brachah, due to the big.


Why will He bless separately Beis Yisrael and Beis Aharon?


Malbim: Also the Brachah is according to the trust and level of the one who trusts. Beis Aharon get a greater Brachah than Beis Yisrael, and Yir'ei Hashem get the greatest Brachah (verse 13).

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