
What does this Mizmor discuss?


Malbim: It is about Hashgachah Pratis that hovers over Tzadikim.


What is the meaning of "Shir la'Ma'alos"?


Rashi: When the Leviyim began to ascend the steps, they said this Shir. It is really the first of the Shir la'Ma'alos; they are not in order.


Rashi (from Sifri Ekev 47): This Shir is for the One who will make steps for Tzadikim in the future, to come from under Eitz ha'Chayim to Kisei ha'Kavod. A Piyut of R. Eliezer ha'Kalir for the second day of Sukos alludes to this - 'Sheloshim Ma'alos... Ad Kisei ha'Kavod...'


Radak: The Lamed is in place of a Hei. We find like this - "ha'Shalish Asher la'Melech Nish'an Al Yado" (Melachim II, 7:2), "Ad la'Shamayim Higi'a" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:9).


Radak citing Sifri Ekev 47: The Shir for 100 steps. Refer to 120:1:2:3 and the note there.


Why does it say "Esa Einai El he'Harim"?


Sifri (Devarim 348), Shocher Tov 118:9: David said so when he went to fight Galyus, and his brothers and Yisrael left him.


Bereishis Rabah (68:2): This is like EL ha'Horim. When Yakov came to Charan, he lamented that when Eliezer went to get Rivka, he had ornaments, but Yakov had none. However, he did not despair - "Ezri me'Im Hashem" (2).


Tanchuma (Toldos 20): This refers to Mashi'ach, "Har ha'Gadol" (Zecharyah 4:7).


Yalkut Shimoni (Vayera 101): Avraham said so amidst great tears when he was about to slaughter Yitzchak.


Radak: This is like one who looks for help from afar. He ascends on mountains and looks this way and that way, to see if helpers are coming. "El he'Harim" - it is like Al he'Harim. The same applies to "El he'Harim Lo Achal" (Yechezkel 18:6) and "va'Yach Es ha'Pelishti El Mitzcho" (Shmuel I, 17:49) is like Al Mitzcho.


Malbim: The verse depicts that when he is in affliction, and the salvation comes suddenly from the top of mountains, he lifts his eyes to see from where it comes.


What is the meaning of "me'Ayin Yavo Ezri"?


Radak: Refer to 121:2:1:1.


Alshich: I will not put my eyes to the Avos for my help, for Zechus Avos finished. Rather, "Ezri me'Im Hashem" (2).


Chomas Anach citing Mahari Binyamin: If I look for help to Har Sinai (Torah), it is small and Batel 1 . If I look to Har Tziyon (Avodah), it is Batel. Refer to 121:2:1:2. Chomas Anach himself - he also merits these two mountains in the merit of making himself like nothing. Via humility, it is considered that he offered all the Korbanos, and Torah is given to him for a gift.


Perhaps he means that most was lost via Yeridos ha'Doros. (PF)

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