
Who 'looked' at Hashem?


Rashi: All who looked to Him amidst their afflictions.


Radak: This is past tense used in place of future (which is common in Nevu'ah); all who will be afflicted will look to Him.


What is the meaning of "v'Naharu"?


Rashi: Their faces were radiant. Radak - i.e. they will be saved. V'Naharu is an expression of light, like "v'Al Tofa Alav Neharah" (Iyov 3:4).


Radak: It is going quickly like a Nahar (river), like "v'Naharu El Tuv Hashem" (Yirmeyah 31:11). Like one who runs to a strong tower to take refuge there, they will look to Hashem.


Malbim: Those who look to someone other than Hashem for help, they look above or below. I.e. they seek help from natural means above - Mazal and the Ma'arachah, which the sun heads. Looking at the sun harms the eyes. Or, they look below for people's help, and they are shamed. Those who look to Hashem, their eyes do not weaken - just the contrary, His light illuminates them! - and they are not shamed.


What is the meaning of "Al Yechparu"?


Rashi: They will not be ashamed [of their trust in Hashem - Radak]. This is like "v'Chafrah ha'Levanah" (Yeshayah 24:23). Our verse says so about their faces, for shame is seen on the face - "v'Lo Atah Panav Yechevaru" (ibid., 29:22).

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