
What is the meaning of "Kim'at Oyveihem Achni'a"?


Rashi: In a short time, I would subdue their enemies.


Radak: Yisrael would rule over its enemies, and not they over Yisrael. The prefix Kaf in Kim'at shows the truth of the matter (in a short time), like "keha'Yom Timtza'un" (Shmuel I, 9:13), "Hishava Li ka'Yom" (Bereishis 25:33).


Malbim: Immediately, once they would begin to heed Devar Hashem a little, I would subdue their enemies; this refers to their enemies in the heart.


What is the meaning of "Ashiv Yadi"?


Rashi: I would take my Makah away from you, and put it on them.


Radak: I will return My hand time after time, until I eradicate them. This is like "v'Shavti b'Veis Hashem" (23:6), "v'Shuv Mol" (Yehoshua 5:2), time after time.


Malbim: Regarding Tzareihem, who pain them in deed, I would return My hand to eradicate them, time after time.

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