
What is the meaning of "Gol El Hashem Ma'asecha va'Yikonu Machshevosecha"?


Rashi #1: Cast your needs on Him, and He will prepare your thoughts.


Rashi #2: Pray to Him for all your needs, and they will be founded and endure.


R. Yonah: Every thought that you have about your deeds and fixing your matters, realize that all you have is intent. You cannot carry it out. Cast the action on Hashem, like "Hashlech Al Hashem Yehavcha" (Tehilim 55:23). He will carry it out, and also you will succeed to think properly to reach [the intended] deed.


Malbim: Many thoughts deluge the Nefesh, and they have no basis. If one will do all his deeds for Hashem, to increase His honor and do His will, there is a basis for his thoughts.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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