
What do we learn from "Notzer Te'enah Yochal Piryah"?


Eruvin 54a: Divrei Torah are compared to a fig tree. (The figs ripen at different times.) Whenever one feels around, he finds figs. Likewise, whenever one ponders Divrei Torah, he finds Ta'am (taste, i.e. understanding).


Rashi: He eats the fruits of his deeds.


Malbim: One who wants to eat the Peros of a fig tree, he must guard it. Netzirah is more than Shemirah. Figs ripen one at a time. He must gather every morning, before the sun shines. If not, those that ripened will get wormy (Midrash, Yerushalmi).


Do we find that "Shomer Adonav Yechubad"?


Malbim, partially from Bamidbar Rabah 12:9: One who guards his master must be found by him every morning, and gather the fruits of his Chachmah. This refers to Yehoshua, who served Moshe day and night - "Lo Yamush mi'Toch ha'Ohel" (Shemos 33:11). He merited honor - Moshe leaned his hands on him.

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