
What do we learn from "Lehanchil Ohavai Yesh [v'Otzeroseihem Amalei]"?


Avos (5:19): Talmidim of Avraham eat 1 in this world, and inherit the world to come.


Sanhedrin 100a 2 : In the future, Hashem will give every Tzadik 310 worlds (the Gematri'a of Yesh). Therefore, Tzadikim will be able to receive His 'handfuls' of good ("Baruch Hashem Yom Yom Ya'amas Lanu" - Ya'amas hints to Umso (His handfuls)), even though "v'Shamayim ba'Zeres Tiken" (His hand spans Shamayim).


Rashi: Yesh (there is with Me) a great inheritance [to bestow to My lovers].


Malbim: I am prepared to bestow to My lovers Yesh - the fruits of their virtue. The merit exists. It itself prepared the reward of their virtue - "Ki Pri Ma'aleleihem Yochelu" (Yeshayah 3:10). This reward truly exists, unlike worldly follies, which are nothing.


Peros of their good deeds. (PF)


Margoliyus ha'Yam (100a): This is printed at the end of the last Mishnah of Uktzin. Rather, it is not part of the Mishnah, rather a later addendum, therefore the Gemara did not cite this from the Mishnah.


Why does it add "v'Otzeroseihem Amalei]"?


Malbim: In addition to the Yesh prepared for them via Mishpat, I will give to them dear gifts via supreme Tzedakah.

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