
What are the implications of the words "Vechishav lo ha'Kohen es ha'Kesef"?


Erchin, 25a: It implies that, when redeeming the field, the owner must pay the full amount up-front, and not in annual instalments. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 95.


What are the implications of "al-Pi ha'Shanim ha'Noseiros"?


Sifra: It implies that the owner can onlyt redeem his field at least two years before the Yocel and at least two years after the Yovel.


What are the connotations of "Venigra me'Erkecha"?


Erchin,25a: It means that he deducts he deducts from the sum that he has to pay Hekdesh what he ate, from the Yovel until the time that he redeems the field - including whatever Hekdesh ate - and even if Hekdesh, for some reason, did not eat from the field. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 101.

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