
What is the meaning of "Navu Lechayayich ba'Torim"?


Rashi: Rows of earrings and a gold visor.


Seforno: This is the spoils of Egypt 1 .


Malbim (Melitzah): Because you rode in Shlomo's chariot, you are adorned with ornaments used to decorate the king's horses - rings on your cheeks and necklaces of pearls on your neck. You did not have this when you were by Me. I.e. before the Nefesh was tied to the body, it did not understand anything physical - quality, quantity, time, place and all conditions of physicality and sensing it. Pure intellect stripped of physicality understands things as they are , free of time, place and events that are conditions of intellect tied to physicality. Via descending to a body, it changed greatly. Now it understands via the curtain of physicality and via windows of the senses, and it understands in stages, via investigation. It understands via speech; the jaws represent speech.


The Kelim that we requested from the Egyptians before leaving. He explains "Tzavarech ba'Charuzim" to be Bizas ha'Yam, like Rashi. (PF)


Why does it say "Tzavarech ba'Charuzim"?


Rashi: Gold necklaces and pearls threaded on threads of gold from the booty of the sea.


Malbim (Melitzah): Voice comes from the neck. It is more internal than speech. ba'Charuzim depicts how the Nefesh learns via investigation. They string many pearls on a string, one to another. The string connects them. So it strings one law to another, comparison to comparison.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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