
What is the connection between "Oseh Mishpat Yasom ve'Almanah" and "Ohev Ger"?


Rashi: Having taught us Hashem's strength it immedately records His extreme humility 1 - How, in spite of His supreme greatness, He lowers Himself to take the part of the weakest strata of society.


Rashi (in the original manuscript): This lesson is repeated in Nevi'im - in Yeshayah, 66:1 & 2, and again in Kesuvim - in Tehilim, 65:5 & 6 - as recorded in "Veyiten l'cha" that we recite on Motza'ei Shabbos.


Why does the Torah mention specifically "Lechem ve'Simlah"?


Rashi: Because of their basic importance, since it is precisely these two things that Ya'akov Avinu Davened for. 1

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