
Why does the Torah repeat "Lo Yih'yeh l'cha be'Veischa"?


Rashi: It is a warning that someone who retains two different measures will end up with nothing.


Bava Basra 89a: To teach Beis-Din to appoint inspectors to punish shopkeepers who keep false measures. 1


Sifri: It implies that it is forbdden to retain faulty weights and measures in one's house even if one does not use them to cheat. 2


Rashbam (in Bava Basra)): But not for charging exorbitant prices - since If one shop-keeper charges too much, one has the option of purchasing from other stored. However, one opinion in the Gemara maintains that one appoints even for peoplee who overcharge - due to swindlers.


See Torah Temimah, note 187.


What are the implications of "Gedolah u'Ketanah"?


Refer to 25:13:2:1:1. and note.

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