
In light of Pasuk 14, what did Moshe mean when he said "ve" referring to?'Lo Itchem Levadchem ... "?


Shevu'os, 19a: He meant that he was making them swear in accordance with the intentions of Hashem and in accordance with his intentions, 1 but not in accordance with their intentions.


See Torah Temimah, note 10, who elaborates.


What about the Mitzvos that the Chachamim added later, such as Mikra Megilah?


Shevu'os, 39a: They accepted them as l following the miracles of Purim - as the Pasuk testifies in Esther 9: "Kiymu Vekiblu ha'Yehudim" - 'Kiymu Mah she'Kiblu K'var'. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 11.

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