
What is the significance of the juxtaposition of Ge'ulah to Teshuvah?


Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim (both citing Yoma, 86b): To teach us the greatness of Teshuvah, that it brings the redemption in its wake.


Why does the Torah write "Veshav Hashem ... es Shevuscha" and not Veheishiv ... "?


Rashi #1: Chazal 1 learn from here that The Shechinah rests with Yisrael when they suffer in Galus, and that, when they go out of Galus, the Shechinah (Kevayachol) goes out with them 2 (to demonstrate the extent of Hashem's love toward Yisrael - Megilah, 28).


Rashi #2: It implies that the day of the ingathering of the exiles is so difficult that it is as if Hashem has to take each person by the hand and lead him out of Galus. 3


In Megilah, 29a, where it proves from here how precious are Yisrael in the Eyes of Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu.


See Torah Temimah, note 1.


Ramban: As the Pasuk writes in Yeshayah, 27:12. And we find the same expression used with regard to the redemption of other nations, as in Yechezkel, 29:14.


Why does the Torah write "Veshav" twice?


Targum Yonasan: The first "Veshav" means that Hashem will accept our Teshuvah and the second, that He will take us out of captivity.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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