
How will we reconcile the Pasuk here - "Va'eishev ba'Har" with the Pasuk in 10:10, which says "ve'Anochi Amadti ba'Har"?


Rashi (citing R. Yochanan in Megilah 21a): "Va'eishev" means, not 'I sat', but 'I remained'. 1


Megilah 21a #1 (according to Rav): Moshe learned while standing, 2 and reviewed while sitting.


Megilah 21a #2 (according to R. Chanina): He neither stood nor sat, but leaned. 3


Megilah 21a #3 (according to Rava): Moshe learned easy matters while standing, and difficult ones while sitting.


Oznayim la'Torah (based on aa Yalkut Shim'oni;: It is a Lashon of Tefilah. 4


R. Yochanan learns there from "Vateishvu be'Kadeish Yamim Rabim" (Devarim 1:46).


Sometimes 'Amidah' means delaying, and not specifically standing - "Ve'he'emidah Lifnei Hashem" (Bamidbar 5:16, according to Chizkuni; it need not exclude sitting, for only Malchei Beis David may sit in the Azarah - PF), "Ve'amad Ve'aAmar" (Devarim 25:8; some say that the Yavam need not stand during Chalitzah


What is the significance of the fact that the Aseres ha'Dibros were written on two Luchos?


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: Because the two Luchos correspond to Chasan and Kalah, two Shushbinin (close friends of the Chasan), Heaven and earth, the written and the oral Torah and this world and the world to come.


Why does the Torah refer to the Luchos as "Luchos ha'Even"?


Rashi, Da'as Zekenim #1 and Rosh (all of whom cite Eruvin 54a): To teach us that, someone who does not make his jaws (Lechayav) like stone, which does not dissolve 1 , to engage in Torah, will not merit Divrei Torah.


Da'as Zekenim #2: Because most death penalties in the Torah are via stoning.


Da'as Zekenim #3: Because they were given in the merit of Ya'akov, whom the Torah describes as "Even Yisrael" (Vay'chi Bereishis, 49:24).


Da'as Zekenim #4: Because they were given in the merit of the Beis ha'Mikdash, about which the Navi writes in Yeshayah 28:16"Yisad be'Tziyon Even".


Da'as Zekenim #5 (citing R. Shimon): Because they were given in the merit of Melech ha'Mashi'ach, about whom the Pasuk wrtes in Daniel 2:45 "Isgezeres Even" (a stone was hewn).


Rashi (in Eruvin 54a): Even if many people trample on it. Likewise, his jaws do not weary from reviewing his learning and teaching others.


Why is the word "Luchos" written Chaser (without a 'Vav')?


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: Because they were identical, as if they were one. 1 .


And the word can be read as 'Luchas'.

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