
Why did he say "this city, Yericho"?


Radak, Malbim citing Sanhedrin 113a: One may not build it and call it another name, nor build another city and call it Yericho.


What is the reason to forbid rebuilding it?


Radak (17): Hashem told Yehoshua so. 1


Radak and Malbim, both citing the Rambam: It is to make a lasting testimony of the miracle. Whoever sees the wall sunk in the ground will understand that this is not the way buildings fall; rather, it was a miracle. 2


Even though this is called 'Yehoshua's curse' (Sanhedrin 113a), this can mean Hashem's curse that was written in Yehoshua's Sefer. (PF)


Malbim: One who sees the sunken wall of Yericho blesses on the miracle (Brachos 54a).


What is the meaning of "bi'Vchoro Yeyasdenu u'Vitz'iro Yatziv Delaseha"?


Rashi: At the beginning of the foundation, his first son will die. He will bury him and proceed [to bury his other children], until his youngest son will die when he finishes the job, i.e. erecting the doors.


Why did he give such a curse to one who will rebuild Yericho?


Malbim: In place of rebuilding a ruin for a remembrance for his name

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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