
What is the meaning of "Bush"?


Rashi: It is a [long] delay. 1


Malbim: Bush is a delay more than is proper. Mismahme'ah is going slowly. Me'acher is after a fixed time.


Radak: This is past tense, from the same root as "Boshesh Moshe" (Shemos 32:1). The Shin is doubled (Malbim).


Rashi (23) writes that Ehud locked it with a key. How did they get the key?


Radak: Ehud left the key outside, near the door. 1


Metzudas David: They had a key in their hands.


If they used to leave a key inside and another key outside, Ehud needed to leave the key outside, for had he taken it, people would immediately realize the ruse and chase after him! (PF)


Would it not be better to take it with him, so it will seem that Eglon locked himself in? Perhaps Eglon often asked people to lock the door after they leave, to save him the toil of getting up. Even so, had Ehud taken the key, this would have added to the delay until they open the door and find Eglon dead! Perhaps he knew that others have keys (refer to 2:25:2:2). (PF)

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