
What is the meaning of "la'Mo'ed Asher Shmuel"?


Rashi: The verse is abbreviated; it is as if it says Asher Sam Shmuel (that Shmuel set). Or, it is like la'Mo'ed Asher li'Shmuel. This is like "Shnei Anashim? Hayu Ven Sha'ul" (Shmuel 2 4:2), which like l'Ven Sha'ul. Shmuel had told Sha'ul to wait seven days for him (10:8).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The verse is abbreviated; it is as if it says Asher Amar Shmuel.


Malbim: It is as if it says Asher Yavo Shmuel.


What is the meaning of "va'Yafetz ha'Am me'Alav"?


Radak: This is Po'el Omed (the action applies to the subject himself; the people scattered), like "va'Yafetz ha'Am b'Chol Eretz Mitzrayim" (Shemos 5:12).

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