
Why is Hashem called "ha'Adon"?


Rashi: Everything is His. He has the ability to uproot you from your land and plant others in it.


Radak: At that time, all will recognize that He is the Master of all.


Malbim: All are His servants, and one who rebels against Him is proper to be punished.


Why is He called "Hashem Tzevakos"?


Radak: Refer to 1:9:1:1.


Malbim: All legions above and below are in His hand, and He can punish.


What is "Avir Yisrael"?


Rashi: It is the strength of Yisrael.


Radak: He will be the strength of the oppressed, for Yisrael, and take vengeance from their oppressors; they are His afflicters and enemies. He will take full vengeance from them, until He will have consolation from them. I.e. His anger will finish, and He will be consoled.


What is "Hoy"?


Rashi: It is an expression of summonsing and announcing 1 , like "Hoy Hoy v'Nusu me'Eretz Tzafon" (Zecharyah 2:10). All will know that "I will be consoled from My afflicters", who angered Me with their deeds.


Rashi explained slightly differently above! (PF) Refer to 1:4:1:1-3.


What is the difference between "Tzarai" and "Oyvai"?


Malbim: Tzarim afflict in practice. Oyevim hate Him. Here, Tzarim refers to sinners Bein Adam l'Chavero. They are not Oyvei Hashem; they do not sin to anger Him, only for their benefit. He will have respite from them and be consoled from the mourning He had from them. "Oyevim" are those who deny Him, His ability and Hashgachah. He will take vengeance from them. The cure for the illness, that Yerushalayim became a Zonah from her G-d, will be cured by removing the Zonim and taking vengeance from His enemies.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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