What is the significance of "ha'Gafen Hovishah"?
Rashi (11-12), Hovish is becoming dry. Rashi - this refers to the Kormim (11, those who tend vineyards). They lament, for their fruits ceased.
Radak: Hovishah is shame, like I explained "Hovish Tirosh" (refer to 1:10:2:2).
Malbim: Those who plant vineyards, they plant all kinds of fruit trees, and all were destroyed.
What is the significance of the species mentioned?
Malbim: They are the seven species; olives are included in Kerem mentioned above 1 . It also mentions some fruits of the ground, for "Avad Katzir Sadeh" (11) includes all species. It mentions apples, for it is the most esteemed of other trees.
Why does Malbim not say that verse 10 explicitly mentioned "Yitzhar"? (PF)
Why does it say "Ki Hovish Sason"?
Radak #2: It dried - i.e. it ceased. Grain and fruits are the Simchah of man. Yonason translates like this.
Radak #2: [Simchah] is shamed. This is a Mashal.
Malbim: At a time of Simchah they used to rejoice with tree fruits - this ceased.