
To whom does Hashem say this?


Radak: He addresses Yerushalayim.


Malbim: Refer to 1:12:3:5


What is the meaning of "Im Shelemim v'Chen Rabim?"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: If they will be complete (totally united) in the counsel, and similarly, if Anshei Ninveh will be many, your enemies, Yerushalayim, and similarly, even if they passed the Chidekel and Pras river to besiege it, they will not succeed, for I afflicted you, and I will not afflict you again.


Rashi: If Anshei Ninveh are complete in their grandeur, and similarly if they will be great and more honored, and so if they will pass, I will make them fly and pass? This is like "v'Cha'asher Ya'anu Oso Ken Yirbeh" (Shemos 1:12).


Gitin 7a: If one sees that his income is scarce, he should give Tzedakah from it, and all the more so, if his income is large! Rashi ? this [and the other Drashos about Tzedakah] does not match the rest of the Nevu'ah.


Radak: If Machaneh Ashur, which comes against you, are b'Shalom ? they do not fear anyone, for they conquered all lands, and they are numerous, so they will be shorn quickly, and all their power will pass ? "va'Yetzei Mal'ach Hashem va'Yach b'Machaneh Ashur? [Kulam Pegarim Mesim]" (Yeshayah 37:36).


Malbim: It was decreed that Ninveh be desolate; fear of Hashem came upon them, and all fled. This is even though they were many and complete ? none of them were lacking due to war, for they did not fight at all. Also refer to 1:12:3:5.


What do we learn from "v'Chen Nagozu v'Avar"?


Rashi: I will afflict you this time totally and absolutely; I will not deal with you again.


Rashi citing Gitin 7a: If one trims his possessions and gives Tzedakah, he is saved from punishment in Gehinom. A parable for this is two sheep passing through water, and only one of them is shorn. Only the shorn sheep can pass.


Radak: Refer to 1:12:2:4.


Malbim #1: Even though they were many and complete, they fled the city, just like the king who thought evil about Hashem.


Malbim #2, according to the opinion that Sardanafal was Esar Chadon ben Sancheriv - refer to 1:1:3:1, 1:1:3:1 1 ): The verse addresses Sancheriv. You think evil about Hashem ? a wayward son will come from you, Esar Chadon, who thought to cast off the yoke. You sent messengers to revile the living G-d ? your son will pass from the world via burning, like your great camp. Chazal received that Sancheriv's camp was burned (Sanhedrin 94a). It says v'Avar regarding fire, for they used to pass [children] through fire to Molech. Sancheriv himself wanted to do so, therefore his sons killed him. "Ki Aruch me'Esmol Tafteh Gam Hi la'Melech Huchan" (Yeshayah 30:33) ? this death, to be burned, was prepared for him from the days of his father.


What do we learn from "v'Inisich Lo A'anech Od"?


Rashi: I will afflict you this time totally and absolutely; I will not deal with you again.


Rashi citing Gitin 7a: Even a poor person supported by Tzedakah should give Tzedakah. Our verses promises that he will not experience any more signs of poverty.


Radak: If I afflicted you via him ? he conquered all of Eretz Yisrael, except for Yerushalayim - I will not afflict you further via him. He and his entire army will be wiped out.


Malbim: This addresses Yisrael. I will not afflict you further via Ashur. This is fine if Sardanafal was Esar Chadon ? after Sancheriv, Ashur ceased to afflict Yisrael. If he was earlier, in any case Ashur ceased to afflict Yisrael at that time. He intended to afflict them, and via the fall of Ninveh, this was nullified.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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