
What Ru'ach passed?


Rashi: When he saw that he succeeds, a different Ru'ach passed over him (refer to 1:11:3:1.


Radak: When he saw that he succeeds, he became more haughty than is proper. Targum Yonasan is like this.


Malbim: It is thought and image that passes on his Ru'ach occasionally, until it becomes fixed.


What do we learn from "v'Ashem"?


Radak: He sins in another matter. Refer to 1:11:3:2.


What is the meaning of "Zu Chocho lei'Loho"?


Rashi: He attributes the strength to his god, and says that it made all this wealth. Malbim ? it is as if the idolatry's divinity dresses itself in his strength, to the point that also his strength is divine. This happened to Belshatzar. He thought that via his divinity he overpowered the G-d of gods and took the Kelim of the Mikdash. Therefore he commanded to bring them before him, to profane them, and he thanked the idolatry ? "v'Al Mara Shemaya Hisromamta ul'Manaya Di Vaysi Haysiv Kadamach? velei'Lahei Kaspa v'Dahava? Shabachta" (Daniel 5:23). For this it was decreed that his kingship cease.


Radak: He says that his idol gave to him the strength to defeat all Anshei. Some say that it says lei'Loho (singular) for disgrace. We need not say so. It says Eloka (singular) ? "Ki Mi Eloka mi'Bal'adei Hashem" (Tehilim 18:32), "Hu Eloka Govah Shamayim" (Iyov 22:12).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He is liable for giving much honor to his idolatry.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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