
Why did he say "Ad Anah Hashem Shivati"?


Rashi: He saw with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh that Nebuchadnetzar will rule over the world and pain Yisrael ? "Ki Hineni Mekim Es ha'Kasdim" (6). Chabakuk lamented and prayed over this.


Malbim: I scream to You for salvation, "v'Lo Sishma"!


What is the meaning of "Ez'ak Elecha Chamas [v'Lo Soshi'a]"?


Rashi: I mention in front of You theft done to me, and You do not save!


Radak: I scream to You about theft done to Yisrael, and You do not save!


Malbim: Do not say that we are not worthy of salvation. I scream about Chamas. I request judgment for the Chamas of Malchus Bavel ? You should save due to Mishpat and straightness ? "Lamah? Tacharish b'Vala Rasha Tzadik Mimenu" (13). Even so, You do not save!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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