
What should they see?


Radak: He addresses Yisrael. Look at the nations, and see that the destroyer came from Hashem.


Malbim: The Navi speaks on behalf of Hashem, who raised Nebuchadnetzar to stir up the land and agitate kingdoms. Look at nations and put your heart to the matter.


Why does it say "v'Hitamehu Temahu"?


Radak: It is doubled to strengthen the astonishment and the great evil that Nebuchadnetzar will do. Hitamehu is Hispa'el. It should say Histamehu; the Dagesh in the Tov of the root is in place of the Sov of Hispa'el.


What do we learn from "Ki Fo'al Po'el bi'Ymeichem"?


Radak: This shows that this was the generation of Nebuchadnetzar. Hashem is the one who did so.


Malbim: Do not say that you cannot see the matter for it was not yet carried out. It already came to action! Do not say that it was not in your days. It is in your days ? you can see it!


Why does it say "Lo Sa'aminu Ki Yesupar"?


Rashi: I establish the Kasdim" (6), a nation that was not worthy to be created ? "Zeh ha'Am Lo Hayah" (Yeshayah 23:13), one of the three things that it is as if Hashem regrets creating them ? now it will be cruel and quick to run to wide places of the land.


Radak: When they will tell you the evil deed that he will do, you will not believe.


Malbim: If they would tell you this, you would not believe it, for it is unlike the way of the world. Therefore, when you see it, "v'Hitamehu Temahu."

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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