
What do we learn from "va'Achapes Es Yerushalayim ba'Neros"?


Pesachim 7b: This is part of a chain teaching that a Ner (lamp) is appropriate for Bedikas Chametz.


Rashi: I will be meticulous about their sins.


Radak: Just like one who searches with a lamp, he searches well, so I will search Yerushalayim to eradicate the sinners in it. And so it says "Ner Hashem Nishmas Adam Chofes Kol Chadrei Veten" (Mishlei 20:27).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will appoint searchers, and they will search Yerushalayim like those who search with a lamp.


Malbim: There were people who were not officers or merchants, just they had houses, fields and vineyards; this was their income. They dwelled in corners of the city, separate from the residents. Hashem will search the city with lamps, and punish these people.


Who are "ha'Kofe'im"?


Rashi: They float on their dregs. The Targum of "va'Yatzef ha'Barzel" (Melachim II, 6:6) is u'Kfa Barzela.


Radak: They are serene in their houses on their money, just like wine is serene on its dregs. Something that dwells and is gathered together, like frozen water or congealed milk, is called Kapa'on. It stands and does move.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They are serene on their property.


Malbim: They are like wine serene on its dregs in a sealed flask.


Whom do they think about Hashem benefiting and harming people?


Rashi: He will not benefit those who do His will, nor harm those who transgress His will.


Radak: They think that He does not supervise lower beings.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He has no desire to benefit Tzadikim, nor to harm Resha'im.


Malbim: Only officers and merchants are subject to occurrences - they must fear His reward and punishment. However, our income is prepared. Such people deny Hashgachah!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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