
What is the significance of "Shavti li'Yrushalayim b'Rachamim"?


Malbim: Therefore I needed to return to Yerushalayim. Even though now is not the time of the future Ge'ulah, I do so amidst mercy, due to their poverty and affliction.


What do we learn from "Beisi Yibaneh Bah"?


Malbim: The Bayis will be a place for them to pray and fix their deeds, and bring eternal Tzedek if they merit.


What line will be stretched?


Rashi: It is to measure the length and width of the walls.


Radak: It is like a builder's plumb-line.


Malbim: At that time they had permission only to build the Bayis, but not the walls of Yerushalayim, until the 20th year of Artachshasta via Nechemyah. Even so, a line will be stretched to build also the wall.


It is written Kave with a Hei, like the grammatical form of Nave. It is pronounced Kav, without a Hei!


Radak: The pronunciation is like a builder's plumb-line. Malbim ? the Kesiv is like Tikvah ? from now they have hope that the anger will end, if they will fix their deeds.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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