What is the significance of Yehudah's exile?
R. Avigdor: Other nations that are exiled, they can eat the bread and meat of the people among whom they are exiled.
Why does it say "Galsah" (feminine)?
Ibn Ezra: Yehudah can be masculine or feminine, like Yisrael and Mitzrayim - "va'Techezak Mitzrayim" (Shemos 12:33).
R. Avigdor: Once they were exiled, they became weak like a female.
What is "me'Oni umi'Rov Avodah "?
Rav Sadya Gaon: They were exiled after affliction and great subjugation. Ibn Ezra - when they could not bear these, they were exiled.
Rashi: It is due to poverty and a harsh yoke of the Babylonians 1 .
Ri Kara, Rid: From when Yehudah and Yerushalayim were exiled and "dwelled among the nations, it had no rest, due to affliction and great subjugation.
R. Avigdor (from Eichah Rabah 1:29): Me'Oni is due to not giving Matanos Aniyim, withholding wages, or taking a security from an Oni 2 - "v'Im Oni Hu" (Devarim 24:12). Mi'Rov Avodah is subjugating an Eved Ivri too much, e.g. not freeing him after six years. Yirmeyah rebuked them "mi'Ketz Sheva Shanim Teshalchu Ish Es Achiv ha'Ivri" (Yirmeyah 34:14).
R. Avigdor: Mi'Rov Avodah is due to working the land in Shevi'is.
Ri Kara: This is wrong. There was no wealth like Yerushalayim - "Dalsos ha'Amim", "Rocheles ha'Amim" (Yechezkel 26:2, 27:3)! Refer to 1:3:3:3.
I.e. and not returning his garment when it is normally worn. (PF)
Why does it say "Hi Yashvah va'Goyim Lo Matz'ah Mano'ach"?
Rav Sadya Gaon, Rashi: In the place where she was exiled and dwelled there, she did not find rest.
R. Avigdor: From when they were exiled, the enemy did not let them rest until they reached Naharos Bavel, lest they repent - "Al Naharos Bavel Sham Yashavnu" (Tehilim 137:1). The enemy said, their Sar 1 is merciful. Perhaps they will repent while still on their land, and He will return them to their land (Shocher Tov 139).
I am unsure whether the enemy called Hashem a Sar (just like each nation has an angel that is its Sar), or if they thought that also Yisrael has a Sar, e.g. "Micha'el Sarchem" (Daniel 10:21).
Why does it say "Kol Rodefeha"?
Palgei Mayim: Even the weakest ones were able to catch her.
What is "Bein ha'Metzarim"?
Rashi: Between high walls (boundaries of a field or vineyard); there is no place to flee.
Rashi citing Eichah Rabah 1:29: Between the 17th of Tamuz and Tish'ah b'Av. R. Avigdor - this is when Ketev Merari (a demon) rules, between four and nine hours of the day. Whoever sees it, he dies. One should not hit a child during these hours. The Churban occurred during these hours. The letters of ha'Metzarim are the same as those of mi'Tzaharayim.
Ibn Ezra: This is like "Min ha'Metzar" (Tehilim 118:5 - constriction). There should be a Dagesh in the Reish 1 .
Ri Kara: Wherever Yisrael fled, their neighbors handed them over to their enemies. They fled to the east, west, north and south, and four nations handed them over - "Al Sheloshah Pish'ei Damesek;
Magihah (in Toras Chayim): For the root is Tzerar, and a Reish is omitted, but Reish cannot receive a Dagesh.