
Why were they close to him?


Rashi: He set his words in front of them.


Malbim: He did not want to publicize the judgment. Those who were close to him already knew what he wanted to judge; it would remain a secret among them. Also, they were the seven officers of Paras and Madai; it was proper that they judge this case, due to their level.


What is the significance of the names of the advisors?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12b #1: All of them allude to Korbanos (the angels mentioned Yisrael's merits so that Hashem would avenge Vashti and make Esther queen). "Karshena" - did they (Nochrim) offer in front of you KaRim Benei SHaNah (yearling lambs), like Yisrael?! "Shesar" - did they offer to You SHtei ToRim (two birds)?! "Admasa" - did they build for You an altar of Adamah (earth)?! "Tarshish" - did they serve in front of You with Bigdei Kehunah, which contain "Tarshish v'Shoham v'Yashfe" (Shemos 28:20 - gems on the Choshen)?! "Meres" - did they Memares (mix) blood (to prevent it from hardening) in front of You?! "Marsena" - did they Memares (knead) Menachos in front of You?! "Memuchan" - did they Mechin (prepare) a Shulchan in front of You?!


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 12b #2: "Memuchan" is Haman. He is called Memuchan because he was Muchan (prepared) for punishment.


Vilna Gaon (16, Al Derech Remez): "Memuchan" is Haman. He is the prosecutor, the Satan, the Yetzer ha'Ra, and the angel of death.


Why did he take "Ro'ei Pnei ha'Melech"?


Vilna Gaon: They must know "Das va'Din" (13); those who constantly see the king, they know Das.


Malbim: They understand his winking and gestures. They will know that his heart wants to exempt her.


Who sit first in the kingdom?


Vilna Gaon: Those who judge commoners.


Malbim: They were first to sit in the kingdom, from a long time ago. They are experts.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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