What is the meaning of "Havu lachem "?
Rashi: It means 'Make preparations' (to appoint judges).
What are the implications of "Anashim?
Rashi: It implies 'Tzadikim'. 1
What is the difference between "Chachamim" and "Nevonim"?
Rashi: "Chachamim" means 'Kesufim' - people who have a sense of shame, 1 whereas "Nevonim" means 'people who are capable of extrapolating one thing from another. 2
Targum Yonasan: They mean literally 'Chachamim' and 'Nevonim' respectively - corresponding to Chochmah 3 and Binah. 4
Sifsei Chachamim: They weigh their deeds to avoid coming to shame. Gur Aryeh implies that the the text of Rashi should read like the Sifri - Refer to 1:15:2:2 - Their actions are based on Tzedek and Chochmah, and due to this, they are beloved.
Rashi: As R. Yossi explained to Ari'us - the difference between a Chacham and a Navon is that the former will examine coins when they are brought before him, but when they not, he sits doing nothing; whereas the latter, will then take his own coins and examine them.
A large repertoire of knowledge.
What are the connotations of "Yedu'im le'Shivteichem"?
Rashi and Ramban #1 (citing the Sifri): The judges whom Moshe picks must be known to their tribes. 1
Ramban #2: "le'Shivteichem" refers, not to "Yedu'im", but to all the requirements. The Pasuk therefore reads 'Bring (or prepare) for your tribes Chachamim ... ', and "Yedu'im" means that the prospective judges must be known to be suited for judgment - they possess all the necessary qualities of a judge 2 - "Anshei Chayil, Yir'ei Elokim, Anshei Emes and Son'ei Batza."
Targum Yonasan: "Yedu'im" means people who are knowledgeable (who are not only Chachamim and Nevonim, but who are also capable of presenting the reasoning behind their conclusions).
Why, according to Rashi's text, is "va'Asimem" written without a 'Yud'?
What are the connotations of the the word "va'Asimem be'Rosheichem"?
Rashi: It obligates the people to treat them with the respect that is due to their position - to honor them 1 and behave toward them with awe.
Rashi (on Pasuk 15): By giving them first rights to buy and sell their goods and regarding business, and by allowing him to be the last to enter the Beis ha'Keneses and the first to leave. Sifsei Chachamim (on Pasuk 15) ? some texts say that the judge enters first and is the last to leave - in honor of the Beis ha'Keneses.