
What is "Al ha'Meltachah"?


Targum Yonasan: It is the one appointed over Kumtarya. Rashi - these are boxes in which they wrap and hide ornaments of those who serve Ba'al. Radak - they are garments hidden and stored. We find that Kumteri d'Safri (Megilah 26b) are hidden Seforim 1 .


I do not understand how Radak learns the Gemara. The Meforshim explain it to say that boxes used for Seforim are Tashimshei Kedushah, and require Genizah (one may not put them in the trash). (PF)


Why did he tell them to give to them the garments?


Malbim: (a) He wanted to clarify who is Chayav Misah. He was concerned lest some people were mixed with them who came merely to see. Therefore, he said to dress them with garments special for Avodas Ba'al. Everyone who served Ba'al had a special garment guarded in the storehouse there. Via this, Yehu was sure of their intent. (b) Via this, they could not escape, for they were recognized via their garments.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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