
Why does it say "Asher Hecheti Es Yisrael"?


Malbim: He caused Yisrael to consider them proper; also Yehu continued them. Yaravam's personal sins, which Yisrael were not drawn after, also Yehu was not drawn after them.


Why did he not eradicate Yaravam's golden calves?


Rashi: It was amidst fear lest kingship [over the 10 tribes] return to Beis David, like Yaravam feared.


Radak (30): They were made l'Shem Hashem. Even so, it was a great sin - "Lo Sa'asun Iti [Elohei Chesef vEi'lohei Zahav]" (Shemos 20:20).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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