
What is the significance of "Charashtem Resha"?


Radak: You plowed and seeded. Seeding is after plowing. Both of them are a Mashal for deed. You did the opposite of what I commanded you! I said "Zir'u Lachem li'Tzdakah" (12), and you plowed evil! Therefore, you reaped and ate fruits of Chachash (refer to 10:13:2:2-3). Reaping is a Mashal for payment.


Malbim: Since you plowed evil, you reaped Avlah (injustice).


What are fruits of Chachash?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They are payment of your deeds.


Radak #1, Malbim: It is fruits of denying Me.


Radak #2: It is fruit that disappoints one who hopes for it - "v'Sirosh Yechachesh Bah" (9:2).


How did they trust in their way and their Giborim?


Radak: You trusted in the way in which you were going - the way of evil and evil. Emunah. You also trust in "Rov Giborecha", from your nation or from Egypt, from whom you requested help. You made your Zero'a (strength) mortal, and did not trust in Me. Therefore, you stumbled. The verse is in second person - it addresses Hoshe'a ben Elah. Shomron was destroyed and the [10] tribes were exiled in his days.


Malbim: You thought that you will be saved via counsel and Gevurah in war.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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