
What is the significance of seeding them among the nations?


Rashi: This is like one who sows a Se'ah [of grain], in order to gather many Korim (a Kor is 30 Se'ah).


Radak #1: Some say that this refers to being scattered among the nations due to the afflictions that Malchei Yavan did to them, and they remembered Hashem and His Mitzvos.


Radak #2: After they will be saved in the days of the Chashmona'im, they will go for business or travel. They will be honored among the nations due to the great salvation that Hashem did for them.


Malbim: These are from Bnei Yehudah. Via Shemados (decrees against Mitzvos), they veered from Hashem and mixed among nations. This is like seeding - via the seed decaying in the ground, it sprouts and grows many times greater. So via [Yehudah being scattered among the nations] many converts will be added in the future who will recognize the true creed.


Why does it say "uva'Merchakim Yizkeruni"?


Malbim: Even though their bodies will be far from Me, in their hearts they will remember the Emunah in My unity.


What is the meaning of "v'Chayu Es Beneihem [v'Shavu]"?


Rashi: They will live with their children. Radak - and they will return to their land in the days of the Chashmona'im. They will return with great wealth, with which they and their children will live.


Malbim: They will not die death of the Nefesh, and they will return to Hashem the G-d of their fathers, with their children.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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