
What is the meaning of "Rash Oseh Chaf Remiyah"?


Rashi #1: One who is poor in Torah, he gives false rulings. Chaf Remiyah is a fraudulent scale.


Rashi #2: The simple meaning discusses merchants. (A fraudulent scale will cause him to be punished with poverty.)


R. Yonah: Oseh Chaf Remiyah - one who uses deceptive intents to carry out plots of fraud, in the end he will be Rash; his hand will wax poor. Rash is written full (with an Aleph), to teach that even if now he is a Rosh and officer [in the end he will be poor].


Malbim: Chaf is only the palm. A Ramai's palm will not make him rich, rather, poor. He is not diligent to bring his income via the work of his Yad (the entire hand).


What is "Yad Charutzim"?


Rashi: Straight people, who are diligent to do truthfully without fraud.


R. Yonah: They are zealous. They eat the toil of their hands, and not from oppression.


Malbim: It is one who is diligent to work with his entire hand and strength.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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