What are the implications of "u'Maltem es Orlas Levavchem!"?
Rashi: It implies that one should remove that which stops up the heart and blocks it!' - from understanding the words of Hashem. 1
Ramban: It implies that one opens one's heart to know the truth, 2 not like they did until now. 3
Seforno: It implies that they should remove the foreskin (the blockage) of the intellect - erroneous thoughts that create warped Hashkafos (outlook - opinions).
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It implies that they remove the foolishness of their hearts!'
Sukah, 52a: It implies that they should overcome their Yeitzer h'Ra - because 'Moshe called the Yeitzer ha'Ra 'Oreil'. 4
Oanayim la'Torah: It implies that, even though "the inclination of man is evil from his youth" 5 he has the ability to drive out the evil and to replace it with good..
What are the implications of "ve'Orpeechem Lo Sakshu Od!"?
Ramban: It implies that they should stop being stubborn like their fathers, who learned from the Egyptians and were incapable of changing their ways, causing them to commit the sin of the Eigel ha'Zahav, following which Hashem called them "Am Keshei Oref". 1
Seforno: It means 'Cease being stubborn' - thereby enabling you to turn towards acknowledging your Creator and seeing how bitter it is to forsake Him.
See Ramban who elaborates.