
Why does it say Za'amcha"?


Radak: If not for Your anger, I would not be handed over to the enemies for so long.


Malbim: I ate ashes in place of bread due to Your anger, which is Your curse. Via this, "my teeth were broken on pebbles; he bent me into ashes" (Eichah 3:16).


Why does it say "Ki Nesasani"?


Rashi: Initially You raised me, and now You cast me from Shamayim to the ground. Had You not raised me initially, my shame would not be so great.


Radak: One who wants to cast something to the ground, he lifts it up and casts it down forcefully - "Hishlich mi'Shamayim Aretz" (Eichah 2:1). The higher one lifts it, the fall is more forceful.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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