
What are "Kefirim"?


Radak: They are [lions] younger than Arayos (mature lions) and other predatory animals; they are bigger than Gur (infant lions).


Malbim: They are young lions that do not leave their abode during the day. At night they roar to tear. They tear other Chayos that go out at night.


Do they request from Hashem?


Radak: Hashem is "Nosen Lechem l'Chol Basar" (136:25) through a chain of causes; when they seek prey, it is as if they request from Him.


Malbim: They request the food that Hashem gave to them, i.e. the small Chayos that Hashem designated for their food.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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