
What is "Shofech Buz Al Nedivim"?


Radak: Honored Ashirim are called Nedivim. Hashem reverses their honor to shame. "Shofech" (pouring) shows that there will be great disgrace.


Malbim: The ruler who conquered them disgraces Nedivim, and deceives them to lead them to exile, like when Nebuchadnetzar conquered Yerushalayim. He exiled all the Nedivim in the nation, and killed many of them. From the poor, who have nothing, he left "Chormim v'Yogvim" (Yirmeyah 52:16; refer to Yirmeyah 52:16:2:1-2, 52:16:3:1-3).


What is the meaning of "va'Yas'em b'Sohu Lo Darech"?


Radak: They have no strategy to be saved from the evil that Kel brought on them. They go in darkness and oblivion, without a path.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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