
What is the meaning of "v'Divrei Sin'ah Sevavuni"?


Radak: From the words of hatred that they speak about me in front of Sha'ul, those words surrounded me and fought with me. Due to their words, Sha'ul fought with me and surrounded me to capture me.


Radak (31, from Shocher Tov): They speak in hatred that their father handed over to them - "va'Yistom Esav Es Yakov" (Bereishis 27:41).


Malbim: Not in front of me, they surround me with words of hatred to speak Leshon ha'Ra about me


What is the meaning of "va'Ylachamuni Chinam"?


Radak: This is like va'Yilchemu Imi Chinam - I did not do evil to them!


Radak (31, from Shocher Tov): Esav hates Yakov for taking the Bechorah - what did [Yakov] do to the Barbarim and Shesusiyim (to make them hate Yisrael)?! They fight us for no reason.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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