
To whom was HaSh-m speaking when He said, "Come, let us descend"?


Rashi: In His deep humility, HaSh-m was consulting the angels. 1


Just as He did before creating Adam ha'Rishon (Refer to 1:26:1:1.)


They people said, "Havah (come), let us make bricks," and, "Havah, let us make a city and a tower." HaSh-m said, "Havah, let Us descend." Rashi writes: "'Havah' - Measure for measure." Why does Rashi explain thus?


Gur Aryeh: "Havah" means, "be prepared" (11:3). However, HaSh-m does not need any preparation, for all means are at His immediate disposal. Rather, He passed judgment against them using the same term that they had used against Him. 1


Peninim mi'Shulchan ha'Gra: The success is according to the preparation - whether for good or for evil. Because they made such preparations, HaSh-m made such "preparations" to annul their plans.



Rashi writes: "'v'Navelah (We shall mix up)' - the letter Nun is for the plural We." How else might we have mistakenly understood the word?


Gur Aryeh: We might have thought the Nun was for the passive tense, "It shall become mixed up."


Rashi writes: "'They shall not comprehend...' - One person would request a brick, and his fellow would bring cement. Each would rise against his fellow and smash his skull." Why does Rashi add this?


Gur Aryeh: Although they could not comprehend each other, and this thwarted the building efforts, why did they not continue to dwell together? Rather, they began arguing and fighting, and HaSh-m caused them to disperse.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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