
When did the wind carry him?


Radak: It already carried him and brought him to the eastern Sha'ar Beis Hashem.


Malbim: Initially he stood in the Heichal, and now [the wind] took him out to the eastern gate.


Are these the same 25 men mentioned above (8:16)?


Rashi: Yes, just there it did not mention their names, and it here it names two of them. Malbim ? above, he saw them from the back and did not recognize them. Now he saw them from the front and recognized Ya'azanyah and Pelatyahu, who were officers of the nation.


Radak: Yes. It was repeated here to inform that among the 25 men were officers of the nation.


Malbim: Yes. Initially he saw them between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, bowing to the sun. Now he saw them in the eastern gate of Har ha'Bayis, leaving the Heichal to greet the sun to bow to it when it comes out (rises).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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