
What three shepherds will perish in one month?


Ta'anis 9a: The three gifts (manna, Ananei ha'Kavod and the well) due to Yisrael's three leaders (Moshe, Aharon and Miryam) ceased in one month (after Moshe died 1 ).


Rashi: They corrupted their ways to the point that I despised them and killed them in one month. All three shepherds that Yehu killed ? all of Beis Achav, Beis Achazyah Melech Yehudah and his brothers and all the seed of Malchus David, and Aslyah killed the rest of them, except for Yo'ash, who was hidden (Melachim II, Perek 9).


Radak: These are Bnei Yoshiyah ? Yeho'achaz, Yehoyakim and Tzidkiyah. All died in the hands of their enemies. His son Yehoyachin, even though he was exiled, he was not wiped out. Malchus Beis David continued through him. Yeho'achaz and Tzidkiyah did not have kings from their seed, and Yehoyakim died in disgrace ? "[Kevuras Chamor Yikaver] Sachov v'Hashlech" (Yirmeyahu 22:19). These three were at the end of Bayis Rishon. They ruled only 22 years and four months. All were afflicted. "Yerach Echad" means in a short time, like "Yochelem Chodesh Es Chelkeihem" (Hoshe'a 5:7).


Radak (14, citing his father): I sent three Nevi'im to tend them in place of Me ? Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi. Their rebuke did not help. Our verse teaches that they died in one month. After this, there was no Nevu'ah (Yuma 9b). We find that they all began to prophesize in Daryavesh's second year.


Radak (14 citing R. Avraham ha'Levi): These three grandeurs hint to the Nesi'us of Bnei David, the kingship of Beis Chashmona'im, and the kingship of their slaves. All the days of Bayis Sheni are called one Yerach, for they were like several days in His eyes 2 .


Malbim #1: As long as they were under Malchei Paras, they had rest, for they were kings of Chesed. However, suddenly Alexander Mukdan cut off Malchus Paras, and three kings stood for Paras who benefited Yisrael ? Koresh, Artachshasta and Daryavesh. They allowed the exiles to return and build the Bayis and the wall of Yerushalayim. This good of the three kings ceased in one month, when the last Daryavesh died. Then Malchus Yavan overpowered; they did evil to Yisrael after Alexander died 3 .


Malbim #2: Melech Paras appointed three shepherds to conduct his kingdom, which was divided into three ? Bavel, Madai and Paras, like it says in Daniel, Perek 6. He saw three Tzela'os (ribs) in the mouth (between the teeth) of the creature that resembled a bear (7:5), which represents Paras. All ceased in the fifth month, when Daryavesh died 4 .


The manna ceased after Yisrael ate from the grain of Eretz Yisrael on Pesach (Yehoshua 5:12). The well and Ananei ha'Kavod first ceased after Miryam and Aharon died, but they returned; the verses do not specify when they ceased afterwards. (PF)


"Ki Elef Shanim b'Einecha k'Yom" (Tehilim 90:4) ? if so, all 420 years of Bayis Sheni are less than half a day in His eyes! (PF)


Alexander bowed to Shimon ha'Tzadik and acceded to his request (Yuma 69a).


It seems that the did not cease that day, for it says "Yerach" (month). (PF)


Why does it say "va'Tiktzar Nafshi Bahem"?


Rashi: I despised them. Every expression of Kotzer Nefesh is an affliction or despised matter that one cannot bear. The heart and innards are too narrow to contain it, like Elihu said "Hetzikasni Ru'ach Bitni" (Iyov 32:18). Radak - this is a Mashal, like "va'Tiktzar Nafsho ba'Amal Yisrael 1 " (Shoftim 10:16). This is like Yechezkel said "va'Teka Nafshi me'Aleha Ka'asher Nak'ah Nafshi me'Al Achosah" (23:18). Both verses teach about Churban ha'Aretz in the days of Tzidkiyah.


Malbim: [After Daryavesh died,] the Yevanim began to do evil to Yisrael 2 .


Radak: Yonason translates "va'Tiktzar Nafsho ba'Amal Yisrael" differently (He is pained).


From Malbim's coming words, it is clear that this shows that He despised Yisrael; refer to 11:8:3:5. (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Gam Nafsham Bachalah Vi"?


Rashi: Their memory was great in my innards, and fills my Ru'ach and pains my stomach.


Rashi citing Nidah 47a: Bachalah is an expression of big. The three stages of female maturity are called Pagah, Bochel and Tzemel. Pagah is a minor; Bochel is a Na'arah ? she is already a Gedolah. Our verse supports this. (Tzemel is a Bogeres.)


Radak: I did not despise them first ? they despised Me first. Therefore, [afterwards] I despised them. Targum Yonasan is like this (I despised them because they despised My Avodah).


Radak (14, citing his father, from Chazal 1 ): Pagah is Na'arus a minor; Bochel is an adult, and her father despises her. TZeMeL is YaTZ'ah MeLe'ah ? she is a Bogeres, and her father despairs of marrying her off, since she has been in his house so long.


Malbim: [After Daryavesh died,] there were many unruly people who left the creed.


The only Chazal I found about this is Nidah 47a, which is unlike Radak says (refer to 11:8:3:2). (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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