What is "Nefesh Brachah [Sedushan]"?
Rashi: He pardons his money.
Malbim: It is one who feeds people in famine years. His Brachah will be great - his Nefesh will get fat (Malbim - spiritually). We find that Deshen applies to the Nefesh - "v'Rivisi Nefesh ha'Kodoshim Dashen" (Yirmeyah 31:13), "v'His'aneg ba'Deshen Nafshechem" (Yeshayah 55:2). It refers to the basis of bodily moisture; it increases, and strengthens the body.
What do we learn from "u'Marveh Gam Hu Yoreh"?
Sanhedrin 92a: Anyone who teaches Torah in this world merits to teach it in the world to come. Marveh is one who satiates his Talmid with Torah.
Rashi: One who satiates Aniyim, he will be satiated with good.
Malbim: One who satiates others with drinks, also he will be satiated. Reviyah is total satiation with drink.
Malbim (according to Mashal): One who satiates and teaches Hashem's way to Talmidim, he will be satiated; Hashem will teach to him Da'as and Derech Tevunos. Bread and water are metaphors for Torah, like I explained "Kol Tzamei Lechu la'Mayim