What is the word "ve'Chol K'li Cheres" coming to include?
What are the implications of "Asher Yipol meihem el Tocho" and "Kol Asher be'Socho", respectively?
Rashi: It implies that an earthenware vessel can only become Tamei via its air-space and that it can only be Metamei food and drink 1 that are inside its air-space, 2 respectively. 3
Chulin, 24b: We learn from "el Tocho" 4 that the eartenware vessel becomes Tamei even though the Neveilah does not touch it ? just as it is Metamei via the air without touching. 5
As the following Pasuk indicates (Rashi on Pasuk 34).
But not by means of contact with the outside of the vessel.
Rashi (in Shabbos, 138b): The oven becomes a Rishon rendering the food or drink inside it, a Sheini. Refer also to 11:34:1:1*.
As implied by the continuation of the Pasuk (Torah Temimah),
What is "el Tocho" coming to exclude?
Sifra: It excludes beds, chairs, boats an lamps made of earthenware, from becoming Tamei ? since they do not have an inside that is made to receive.
Bartenura in Keilim, 2:1): It excludes the back of an earthenware vessel from Tum'ah. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 121.
Why does the Torah insert the word "Toch" twice and its suffix "O" twice?
Chulin, 25a: One for itself, one, to learn a Gezeirah Shavah (Refer to 11:33:1:2 and note), one to Darshen 'Tocho shel Zeh ve'Lo Tocho shel Acher' (confining the Din of Toch to earthenware Keilim) and one to Darshen "Tocho", 've'Lo Toch Tocho' (precluding where the Tum'ah or Tahor food is within another K'li Cheres that is inside a K'li Cheres. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 118.
What is "Kol Asher be'socho" coming to include?
Sifra: It includes an earthenware vessel that is inside another esrtheware vessel 1 in the Din of Tum'ah, if there is a hole in between them.
Why must an earthenware vessel be broken? Why can it not be Toveled?
Rashi: We learn from here that an earthenware vessel is not subject to Tevilah, 1 and can only become Tahor by breaking it.
See also Rashi on Pasuk 35.
How can we learn here from a Kli Cheres is Metamei its airspace? Perhaps it merely joins its contents to be like one, like we learn in (Chagigah 23b) from "Kaf Achas" (Bamidbar 7:14) - that all Keilim join their contents for Kodesh?
Moshav Zekenim (in Bamidbar 7:20) #1: "Kol" implies even what is suspended in its airspace.
Moshav Zekenim (in Bamidbar 7:20) #2: Here it is not written like regarding Kodesh (so presumably, it is for a different reason).
Moshav Zekenim (in Bamidbar 7:20) #3: Regarding Kodesh we properly expound Tziruf Kli, because the Kodesh must be in the Kli in order to become Kadosh. Here, it does not need the Kli at all.
Moshav Zekenim (in Bamidbar 7:20) #4: "Tocho" excludes the inside of something else (only a Kli Cheres is Metamei in this way). If it was due to joining, we would not distinguish different kinds of Kelim.
Moshav Zekenim (in Bamidbar 7:20) #5: "Tocho" excludes Toch Tocho (what is inside a Kli inside a Kli). If it were due to joining, we would not need a Pasuk to teach that the contents of the inner and outside Kelim do not join! (R. Efrayim)
Rashi writes that an earthenware vessel can become Tamei only via its airspace. Why is that?
Riva: Since it cannot become Tahor, the Torah was concerned that it not become Tamei easily 1 (through Tum'ah touching the outside).
Sefas Emes (Shelach 633): The importance of a Kli Cheres is its interior (to hold things), therefore it receives Tum'ah only from there.
We find that it becomes Tamei through its airspace, unlike other Keilim! This is not difficult for Sefas Emes (refer to 11:33:151:2. - PF).