What is the word "ve'Chol ha'Sheretz" coming to include?
Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: It incorporates in the Isur Achilah the Sheratzim that are not Metamei 1 .
Chulin, 67a: It includes Yavchushin (an insect that is found in wine) that have been strained from the wine. 2
What is the Shi'ur Achilah for which one is Chayav?
Me'ilah, 16b: The Shi'ur Achilah is k'Zayis 1 ? since the Lashon Achilah always implies a ke'Zayis.
In spite of he fact that the Shi'ur Tum'ah is a ke'Adashah.
What does "ha'Shoretz al ha'Aretz" incorporate?
Chulin, 49b, Chulin, 67b and Makos, 16b;: It incorporates a. Eggs whose white and yellow are mixed 1 (a sign that they are from non-Kasher birds) inside which a chick has begun to form ?b. drinking date-beer (or any other beverage) via a make-shift sieve of wood and splinters at night?time; 2 c. Worms that are found in cabbages, and d. Ants; e. Worms inside hops that are still attached to the ground 3 ?.
What is "ha'Shoretz al ha'Aretz" coming to preclude from the Isur Sheretz?
Why does the Torah write "Lo Ye'achel" and not 'Lo Sochlu'?
Rashi: To implicate someone who feeds others Sheratzim.