Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "Ve'yaradti Ve'dibarti Imcha"?
Rashi: This is actually one of the ten places where the Torah records that Hashem came down to earth. 1
Da'as Zekenim: This teaches us that this day was dear to Hashem like the day of Matan Torah - where the Torah also writes "Vayeired Hashem ... " (Yisro Sh'mos, 19:20).
See Sifsei Chachamim.
Seeing as the Torah does not record what Hashem said there, why does it mention "Ve'dibarti Imcha Sham"?
Rashi: To teach us that Hashem would speak specifically to Moshe and not to the elders. 1
What is the meaning of "Ve'atzalti min ha'Ru'ach asher Alecha"?
Rashi #1 (citing Targum Onkelos) and Targum Yonasan: It means that Hashem will increase some of the spirit that is on Moshe and place it upon them. 1
Rashi #2 (in Bereishis 27:36): It means that Hashem will separate (siphon off) some of the spirit of Moshe and place it on the elders.
Rashi: Like a lamp from which one takes a light to kindle another lamp, which loses nothing of its own light.
What is the Torah telling us here? Why does the Pasuk not inform us as to what Hashem told Moshe?
Does this mean that Moshe lost some of his own Ru'ach?
Rashi: No! It can be compared to a candle from which one takes a light withou the candle losing any of its own brightness..
What are the implications of "Venas'u Itach be'Masa ha'Am"?
Rashi: It implies that Moshe was to make their appointment conditional upon their acceptance to deal with the problems of Hashem's children. 1
Ramban: It implied that throughout their sojourn in the desert, the elders were aware of everything that Hashem spoke to Moshe concerning communal matters. Consequently, whenever Moshe had a Divine message to convey, they had already prophesied it and passed it on to the members of their respective tribes. 2
Why did Hashem need to add "ve'Lo Sisa Atah Levadecha"?
Rashi: Hashem was informing Moshe that this was the reply to his complaint in Pasuk 14.
Ramban: Refer to 11:17:6:2*.
Why did Hashem give to them specifically from Moshe's Ru'ach?
B'chor Shor: So that they will be secondary to Moshe.
Hadar Zekenim (on Pasuk 28): Really, he gave to them from His Ru'ach, just it was a Ru'ach of patience, like Moshe had.
Da'as Zekenim, Chizkuni: 'I (Hashem) gave to you (Moshe) knowledge and Ru'ach to lead them, and you said 'I cannot do so alone.' Consequently, they will receive from your Ru'ach!'