
What are the connotations of "Asher Tishme'u"?


Rashi: It means 'On condition that 1 you will listen'.


Targum Yonasan: It means 'If you will listen'.


Lev Eliyahu (Sh'mos p.95): The biggest B'rachah is that 'you will listen' - that you will delve into the words of Torah. 2


It does not mean simply 'that you will listen'. See Sifsei Chachamim. Lev Eliyahu (Sh'mos p.95) ? the Sifri says 'if you will listen.' B'rachos and K'lalos depend on the recipient. How do we know if we are receiving Brachah or Kelalah? If you listen to Hashem, it was a Brachah.


Lev Eliyahu (Ibid.): Which is a spiritual pleasure that is unmatched!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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