What is "b'Chafzi"?
Otzar Midrashim (Hallel p.134): In my frenzy. This is like "va'Yhi David Nechpaz Laleches Mipnei Sha'ul" (Shmuel I, 23:26), "Ki Lo b'Chipazon Tetze'u" (Yeshayah 52:12).
Rashi: [I was frantic] to flee Avshalom.
Malbim: Without intellect. Refer to 116:10:1:3.
Why did he say "Kol ha'Adam Kozev"?
Rashi, from Shocher Tov (18:7): When Sha'ul surrounded David and was about to capture him, David said that Shmuel's anointment of him to be king was vain and false 1 .
Otzar Midrashim (Hallel p.134) #1: "Kozev" is an expression of ceasing 2 - "v'Hayah bi'Chziv b'Lidetah Oso" (Bereishis 38:5).
Otzar Midrashim (Hallel p.134) #2: We see Chachamim like Achitofel and his colleagues, Nevi'im like Chananyah 3
Hashem rebuked David - "Ki Ne'eman Shmuel l'Navi" (Shmuel I, 3:20)!
I.e. man will die, and not be revived. (PF)
Surely this refers to Chananyah ben Ozer (who was a false Navi in the end - Sanhedrin 90a); 'Misha'el v'Azaryah' in Otzar Midrashim is a printing mistake. (PF)
Radak: Above (31:23), he said "va'Ani Amarti b'Chafzi Nigrazti mi'Neged Einecha." Then, he feared lest Sha'ul kill him. Afterwards, he put to his heart that this cannot be, for Hashem promised that he will reign.